1852 Cromac Road
Cromac Bridge to Donegall Pass
Old Paper Mill
1. Robert Anderson, sawyer
3. Lewis Marrs, clerk
5. Robert Hennan, linnen lapper (linen)
7. Thomas Brown, jeweller
9. John Mathews, clerk
11. Miss Fletcher, dress maker
*13. John Coyle, grocer and spirit dealer
[ Little Howard Street
13. John Taylor, grocer and spirit dealer
15. Mary Owens, washer woman
17. James McConrid, butcher
19. Patrick Garrigan, slater
21. John Clarke, gas fitter
23. Henry Hull, civil bill officer
25. Mrs. McMannus
27. James Ferris, carpenter
29. Henry Magee, proctor
1. David Malcolm, yarn merchant ( 31 )
left side
four small houses
22. Rachael Ewart, grocer and spirit dealer
20. William Stott, jobbing smith
18. Alexander Bingham, labourer
16. Samuel Baxter, labourer
Belfast Gas Company's Works, William Barlow, manager
12. John Johnston, labourer
10. Samuel Lindsay, coal merchant
8. Patrick Lindsay, grocer
6. Cunningham King, cutler
*King's Place - five small houses, Where Ormeau Ave would be today
4. James Gray & Co., Coal Island firebrick and tile works, Bernard McCallin, agent
2. Edward Martin, labourer Cromac Street
from Great Edward Street to Cromac Road
1. G. Duncan, grocer and spirit dealer
3. Mary Strain, washer woman
" Elizabeth Hanna
5. James Stewart, butcher
7. Henry McCann, coach driver
9. John Quart, green grocer & mason
11. James O'Neill, spirit dealer
[ Little May Street
11½. John Cavanagh, professor of music and provision dealer
11½. William Williams, builder; residence, 129 Cromac Street
11½. James Parker, butcher
11½. George Witherhead, grocer and spirit dealer
11½. John Dunlop, butcher
11½. John McCamisky, marine store; residence, 34 Market Lane
David McVea, green grocer
13. Mrs. Agnes McRoberts, shirt maker
13½. John Adams, painter and glazier
15. Wm. Reid, grocer
17½. Fullerton Brothers, grocers and spirit dealers
[ Hamilton Street]
17. Thomas Maguire, pawn broker
19. William Williams, builder
21. William Haffern, linen measurer, Linen Hall
" Margaret Haffern, milliner and dress maker
23. William Finlay, linen yarn dealer
25. Mrs. Mary Ann Spiller
27. Ann Thompson, thread manufacturer
29. Hugh McClements
31. Sarah Manning
33. James Rice, auctioneer
35. Margaret Shaw
[ Russell Street
37. Archibald Kirker, baker and flour merchant
39. Anna Eid, milliner and dress maker
41. Wm. Lenaghan, sawyer and provision dealer
43. Samuel Kelly, grocer and commission coal merchant
45. Abraham Mathews, grain merchant
47. John Jones, grocer and spirit dealer
[ Henrietta Street
49. James Smith, pawn broker
51. Mary Burke, fruiterer and confectioner
51½. William Gowdy, spirit dealer
51½. Abraham Mathews, grain merchant; residence, 45 Cromac Street
53½. Thomas Rogan, blacksmith
53. John Wallace, printer and publisher of the General Advertiser; office, 6 Waring Street
58. Archibald Kirker's flour store
55. Chancellor's Ladies ' Day School
57. Bernard Quin, reporter, Mercury
59. Patrick McAteer, builder and spirit dealer
[ Catherine Street
57. Gateway, vacant
59. Bernard Smith, labourer
*61. Margaret McAuley, grocer and spirit dealer
63. Cromac Street Constabulary Station
65. James John Hannan, attorney's clerk
67. Richard Aicken, architect
69. Michael Boomer, spirit dealer
71. Mary Verner
* 73. Catherine Smith
new houses building
112. Joseph Campbell, grocer
110. George Anderson, sewed muslin manufacturer
108. Thomas Sessions, excise officer
106. Robert Graham, linen manufacturer
104. John Ranson, writing clerk
102. Ellen Dunlop, boarding house
100. Mrs. Ann Crymble
98. Vacant
Raphael Street ]
96. Joseph Anderson, foreman of works to the Town Council
94. William Adams, car owner
92. Martin Simpson, car owner
88. William Carlile, car driver
86. Vacant
84. Fordyce and Mullen, brewers and wholesale spirit merchants; residences; Mr. Mullen, 27 Eliza Place; Mr. Fordyce, 5 New Bond Street
82. Bernard Muckian, cooper and grocer
80. Patrick Mooney, labourer
Eliza Street ]
80. Edward Gordon, dealer
78½. Neal Clarke, spirit dealer
78. Young Clarke, grocer
76. Robert McCrea, grocer
74. Thomas Gilmore, pawn broker
72. John Mateer, evening & day school
70. John Clarke, confectioner
68. John Copeland, carpenter
66. Wm. Fletcher, silver plater
64. Hugh Young, chandler
62. Thomas Monteague, waiter
60. Mary Ann Crothers, grocer
58. Bernard Ferguson, provision dealer
56. Eliza Hunter, grocer
54. Robert Beggs, pawn broker
52. Jas. Morrison, grocer and publican
50. Tully Magee, huckster
48. Patrick Roche, grocery and spirit dealer
46. Henry Savage, grocer and spirit dealer
44. James Milliken, shoe maker
" Hugh McDonnell, porter
42. John Jordan, leather cutter
40. William Russell, grocer and spirit dealer
38. Thomas Cochrane, saddler
36. Thomas Kilmartin, writing clerk and spirit dealer
Lagan Street ]
34. Alexander Johnston, grocer and spirit dealer
32. John McKechnie, servant
30, 28. Nathaniel Duncan, grocer, provision, wine and spirit merchant
26. Wm. Hull, grocer and spirit dealer
25. George McRoberts, provision dealer ( 24 )
22. John McAreavy
20. Jane Steed, grocer and spirit dealer
Pump Entry ]
18. Samuel Quigley, grain merchant
*16. William Quigley, grain merchant
14. William Corbett
" Jane and Eliza Corbett, dress makers, and milliners
12. John Campbell, accountant
10. James McConnell, linen lapper
8. William Rorke
6. James Mullen, linen merchant
4. Charlotte Montgomery, dress maker
2. Richard Atkinson, spirit dealer
Cromac Bridge to Donegall Pass
1. Robert Anderson, sawyer
3. Lewis Marrs, clerk
5. Robert Hennan, linnen lapper (linen)
7. Thomas Brown, jeweller
9. John Mathews, clerk
11. Miss Fletcher, dress maker
*13. John Coyle, grocer and spirit dealer
[ Little Howard Street
13. John Taylor, grocer and spirit dealer
15. Mary Owens, washer woman
17. James McConrid, butcher
19. Patrick Garrigan, slater
21. John Clarke, gas fitter
23. Henry Hull, civil bill officer
25. Mrs. McMannus
27. James Ferris, carpenter
29. Henry Magee, proctor
1. David Malcolm, yarn merchant ( 31 )
left side
four small houses
22. Rachael Ewart, grocer and spirit dealer
20. William Stott, jobbing smith
18. Alexander Bingham, labourer
16. Samuel Baxter, labourer
Belfast Gas Company's Works, William Barlow, manager
12. John Johnston, labourer
10. Samuel Lindsay, coal merchant
8. Patrick Lindsay, grocer
6. Cunningham King, cutler
*King's Place - five small houses, Where Ormeau Ave would be today
4. James Gray & Co., Coal Island firebrick and tile works, Bernard McCallin, agent
2. Edward Martin, labourer Cromac Street
from Great Edward Street to Cromac Road
3. Mary Strain, washer woman
" Elizabeth Hanna
5. James Stewart, butcher
7. Henry McCann, coach driver
9. John Quart, green grocer & mason
11. James O'Neill, spirit dealer
[ Little May Street
11½. John Cavanagh, professor of music and provision dealer
11½. William Williams, builder; residence, 129 Cromac Street
11½. James Parker, butcher
11½. George Witherhead, grocer and spirit dealer
11½. John Dunlop, butcher
11½. John McCamisky, marine store; residence, 34 Market Lane
David McVea, green grocer
13. Mrs. Agnes McRoberts, shirt maker
13½. John Adams, painter and glazier
15. Wm. Reid, grocer
17½. Fullerton Brothers, grocers and spirit dealers
[ Hamilton Street]
17. Thomas Maguire, pawn broker
19. William Williams, builder
21. William Haffern, linen measurer, Linen Hall
" Margaret Haffern, milliner and dress maker
23. William Finlay, linen yarn dealer
25. Mrs. Mary Ann Spiller
27. Ann Thompson, thread manufacturer
29. Hugh McClements
31. Sarah Manning
33. James Rice, auctioneer
35. Margaret Shaw
[ Russell Street
37. Archibald Kirker, baker and flour merchant
39. Anna Eid, milliner and dress maker
41. Wm. Lenaghan, sawyer and provision dealer
43. Samuel Kelly, grocer and commission coal merchant
45. Abraham Mathews, grain merchant
47. John Jones, grocer and spirit dealer
[ Henrietta Street
49. James Smith, pawn broker
51. Mary Burke, fruiterer and confectioner
51½. William Gowdy, spirit dealer
51½. Abraham Mathews, grain merchant; residence, 45 Cromac Street
53½. Thomas Rogan, blacksmith
53. John Wallace, printer and publisher of the General Advertiser; office, 6 Waring Street
58. Archibald Kirker's flour store
55. Chancellor's Ladies ' Day School
57. Bernard Quin, reporter, Mercury
59. Patrick McAteer, builder and spirit dealer
[ Catherine Street
57. Gateway, vacant
59. Bernard Smith, labourer
*61. Margaret McAuley, grocer and spirit dealer
63. Cromac Street Constabulary Station
65. James John Hannan, attorney's clerk
67. Richard Aicken, architect
69. Michael Boomer, spirit dealer
71. Mary Verner
* 73. Catherine Smith
new houses building
112. Joseph Campbell, grocer
110. George Anderson, sewed muslin manufacturer
108. Thomas Sessions, excise officer
106. Robert Graham, linen manufacturer
104. John Ranson, writing clerk
102. Ellen Dunlop, boarding house
100. Mrs. Ann Crymble
98. Vacant
Raphael Street ]
96. Joseph Anderson, foreman of works to the Town Council
94. William Adams, car owner
92. Martin Simpson, car owner
88. William Carlile, car driver
86. Vacant
84. Fordyce and Mullen, brewers and wholesale spirit merchants; residences; Mr. Mullen, 27 Eliza Place; Mr. Fordyce, 5 New Bond Street
82. Bernard Muckian, cooper and grocer
80. Patrick Mooney, labourer
Eliza Street ]
80. Edward Gordon, dealer
78½. Neal Clarke, spirit dealer
78. Young Clarke, grocer
76. Robert McCrea, grocer
74. Thomas Gilmore, pawn broker
72. John Mateer, evening & day school
70. John Clarke, confectioner
68. John Copeland, carpenter
66. Wm. Fletcher, silver plater
64. Hugh Young, chandler
62. Thomas Monteague, waiter
60. Mary Ann Crothers, grocer
58. Bernard Ferguson, provision dealer
56. Eliza Hunter, grocer
54. Robert Beggs, pawn broker
52. Jas. Morrison, grocer and publican
50. Tully Magee, huckster
48. Patrick Roche, grocery and spirit dealer
46. Henry Savage, grocer and spirit dealer
44. James Milliken, shoe maker
" Hugh McDonnell, porter
42. John Jordan, leather cutter
40. William Russell, grocer and spirit dealer
38. Thomas Cochrane, saddler
36. Thomas Kilmartin, writing clerk and spirit dealer
Lagan Street ]
34. Alexander Johnston, grocer and spirit dealer
32. John McKechnie, servant
30, 28. Nathaniel Duncan, grocer, provision, wine and spirit merchant
26. Wm. Hull, grocer and spirit dealer
25. George McRoberts, provision dealer ( 24 )
22. John McAreavy
20. Jane Steed, grocer and spirit dealer
Pump Entry ]
18. Samuel Quigley, grain merchant
*16. William Quigley, grain merchant
14. William Corbett
" Jane and Eliza Corbett, dress makers, and milliners
12. John Campbell, accountant
10. James McConnell, linen lapper
8. William Rorke
6. James Mullen, linen merchant
4. Charlotte Montgomery, dress maker
2. Richard Atkinson, spirit dealer
Much more photographs and information on the old Belfast Market are LOCATED IN RUSHLIGHT MAGAZINE
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